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Meet Our Leadership Team

All of us who serve as leaders: pastors, elders, deacons, and deaconesses are committed to be followers of Jesus Christ.  We are flawed and imperfect human beings who understand that it is only by God’s grace and mercy that we have forgiveness and life through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10).


Emilio A. Núñez M.

He came to Bell Gardens Baptist in July of 1984 as the pastor of the Spanish-speaking congregation. He was born in Guatemala, and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He came to California to attend Biola University (B.A. 1974).  He has an M.Div (1998). and  Th.M (2000) from Talbot Seminary, and did doctoral studies in Systematic Theology at Fuller Seminary, Pasadena.   He was on the faculty of Biola University from 1998 to 2013, and has served as adjunct professor at Fuller Seminary since the winter of 2003. He and his wife Dunia Arely have lived in La Mirada since 1982, and have two adult sons: Emilio and David.


Jim Covington

He grew up in our church and has been here his whole life! He graduated from Talbot Seminary (M.Div. 1984).  His first ministry at Bell Gardens Baptist Church was as Youth Pastor while he was still attending college in 1979.  For the last 41 years Jim has held various responsibilities: assisting two cross-cultural congregations, including teaching English-speaking Hispanic and Korean youth.  Currently, Jim participates with the English-speaking congregation leading worship and teaching the Word of God that we each “might be presented to God ‘perfect, complete, mature’ in Christ” (Colossians 1:28).



English Service- 10 am (In-Person)                             

Spanish Service - 11:30 am (In-Person & Online)

Sunday School-10 am (Spanish) & 11:30 am (English-Youth)  


THURSDAY (In-Person)

Spanish 7:00 pm


FRIDAY (In-Person)

Youth Night (English) - 7:00 pm




7301 Perry Rd.

Bell Gardens, CA 90201

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